The resurrection of Jesus Christ changed everything. As dawn broke on that first Easter morning, the sun rose on the entire world. The very fabric of creation had been transformed. The direction of history had been altered, the power of death had been broken, life was victorious.
How are we to live in the light of that glorious day? How does Christ’s great victory play a role in our every day lives?
As people of the risen Lord, our identity and calling are rooted to the resurrection. We are people of God’s new creation living in the midst of a world still reeling from the longstanding effects of sin and death. As we receive healing, and experience our own transformation in Christ, we show forth His risen life to others. Our renewed lives proclaim His resurrection, and those around us are drawn to the ever living source of that warmth and light.
These ten studies will explore the significance of Christ’s resurrection for our every day lives.
Next week’s lesson is “New Breath for Old Bones”. Study Ezekiel 37:1-14.
The author says, “My hope is that as we reflect together on the wonder of our lives, as the people of the risen Lord, we will more deeply embrace God’s promises for us, and more fully embody His resurrected life for all the world to see.”
— Pastor John