Wednesday Bible Study

Scripture Lesson:

  • Ezekiel 37:1-14

Scripture References:

  • Job 19:25-27
  • Isaiah 53:10-12

Our author begins the lesson when she was in a time of grief and loss. A friend reminded her, “Just breathe.” Sometimes during drastic situations in our life, we need to remember, “Just breathe.” Our lesson this evening is about Ezekiel, and God’s message to him in the valley of dry bones.

The backstory of this passage takes place when Israel had lost their home to foreign invaders and were captives in a strange land. They were overcome with despair, but now God gave Ezekiel a vision in Ezekiel 37.

What was Ezekiel’s answer to God in verse 3?

What was Ezekiel’s part in reviving the bones? (Verse 4.)

Why was it important for the dry bones to hear God’s message?
(Verse 4.)

What prevents us from hearing God’s word in times of distress and pain?

What happened when Ezekiel preached God’s word as commanded?
(Verse 7.)

Why had the bones not yet come to life? (Verse 8.)

Go back to the creation account found in Genesis 2:7 to see the two step process redone in Ezekiel 37. What do the bones in Ezekiel 37:11 and the breath in Ezekiel 37:14 represent?

What was God’s message to Israel through this vision? (Verses 11-14.)

How does this vision, and the promise of resurrection, encourage you both now and for eternity?

Think of people in your life who need hope and encouragement through the promise of resurrection and eternal life in Christ.

— Pastor John

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