Scripture Lesson:
- 1 John 2:28-3:18
According to 1 John 2:28-29, why do we need to abide in Christ and practice righteousness? How will that prepare us for Jesus’ future coming?
How will our current behavior determine if we’ll be confident or ashamed when Jesus comes again?
How does chapter 3:7-8 say that the children of God are radically different from children of the devil?
According to verse 3:5, what did Christ’s first appearance accomplish for us?
If Christ’s first appearance dealt with our sins, how does our behavior change once we abide in Christ? (See 3:6-10.)
Verse 4 of chapter 3 describes sin as lawlessness. John Stott says, “Sin is a defiant violation of God’s moral law. It’s not just a negative failure, but active rebellion against God.”
Although we’re never sinless in this life, abiding in Christ keeps us from practicing sin.
Verses 3:6-9 use three verbs to describe our behavior after being born again. How do those verbs describe the believer’s reaction to sin?
Verses 3:11-18 relate practicing righteousness to love for our brothers and sisters. John relates the story of Cain and Abel in verse 12. Why did Cain develop hate, and eventually murder his brother? How does verse 15 describe the hateful spirit which leads to murder?
What should our attitude and behavior be toward our brothers and sisters
in Christ? What are some ways in which we can show love toward other believers?
Consider, by word and deed, ways you can share Christ’s love with the body and the world.
This concludes this week’s lesson. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
— Pastor John