Disciple Making in Your Church

Erik states that evangelism and discipleship within the church shouldn’t be competing priorities. Rather, as people are introduced to Jesus, the church needs to disciple them.

Read Paul’s instructions to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:1-6. Think of ways we can introduce people to Jesus, and then disciple them.

Look at “DNA” from Jeff Vanderstelt:
“D” - Discover God’s Word
“N” - Nurturing
“A” - And Holding One Another Accountable

How does this fit with Paul’s instruction to Timothy?

BookWhen we begin to meet again, think of how we can disciple one another through small groups, Sunday School, and mid-week services. These activities should be opportunities to help each other grow.

If we are to make disciples in our community, we need to consider ways to reach out. Think of ways in which we, as a church, can use our resources to reach people for Christ, and to engage in disciple making.

This is the final lesson of this study. Remember...we must continue to “GO!” and make new disciples!

- John Guess, Pastor

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